Ah ah ah, stayin alive, stayin alive!
Staying Alive
Congratulations! According to one theory of personal identity, you have survived!
There are basically three kinds of things which could be required for the continued existence of your self. One is bodily continuity, which actually may require only parts of the body to stay in existence (e.g., the brain). Another is psychological continuity, which requires, for the continued existence of the self, the continuance of your consciousness, by which is meant your thoughts, ideas, memories, plans, beliefs and so on. And the third possibility is the continued existence of some kind of immaterial part of you, which might be called the soul. It may, of course, be the case that a combination of one or more types of these continuity is required for you to survive.
Your choices are just about consistent with the view that the continuity of the soul is essential for personal survival.Fuzzhizle!
2 Comentarios:
"Your choices are consistent with the view that bodily continuity is necessary for personal survival."
Sí... sobreviví de un modo diferente.
zegim, A la/s
6:20 p.m.
es mas chido dejarse morir de buenas a primeras y asi dejas de precuparte tanto hahaha al menos es mas relajado hahahaha
Dacrux, A la/s
1:10 a.m.
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